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to choose the sex of baby: GIRL or BOY?

choose the sex of your child: and if it was possible?

to choose the sex of baby: GIRL or BOY?

it is a question of genetics and ... chance but DESTIN first choice because we can only appreciate what God has written for us, and all that is destiny is better for us because there ' has wisdom.

Scientifically sex is determined by two chromosomes brought by the parents.

ovum X + sperm X = XX "girl"

ovum X + sperm Y = XY "boy"

Women can only give one X chromosome as the man is X or Y; then it is the chromosome of the father that determines the sex of the baby.

Several teachers developed a diet for the mother-to-be to influence the baby's sex:

 for those who want to have a daughter a diet rich in calcium and magnesium.
 for those who want to have a boy a diet high in sodium and potassium are at the heart of the meals.
Diet rich in calcium and magnesium:

Dairy products at leisure, mineral water, 130 g per day maximum of meat or fish (kitchens without salt), bread, eggs, cereals but without salt, vegetables fresh or frozen no salt! and the main sources of magnesium are: green vegetables; the complete creales; oleaginous fruits "nuts, hazelnut, almonds .."; dried vegetables "white beans, lentils, ground peas"; chocolate ; some mineral waters.

Diet rich in sodium and potassium:

Sodium and potassium should be at the heart of meals. no mineral water by replacing with soft drink or preferably the coffee ... except milk! meat and sausages and dirty butter are recommended. in short that salty then salt and no milk! The best sources of potassium are dried fruits and nuts; dried vegetables, some raw fish are rich in potassium "salted and dried cod, raw horse mackerel, raw seabream, raw sardine", we also find cooked or raw vegetables are also good sources of potassium "mashed potatoes tomato, raw avocado, cooked bacon, cooked kale, mushroom, raw parsnip, raw spinach, plant banana, cooked artichoke, cooked shallot and other foods high in potassium, Potatoes containing 430 mg per 100 g are found. To conclude, only salt is required.

But beware of the risk of food deficiency. Always ask your gynecologist for advice in order to balance your diet. Knowing that nature always reserves surprises and what counts above all is the joy of having a child.

Preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) reliable, but illegal
Today, the only 100% reliable technique in the choice of the baby's sex is PGD (preimplantation diagnosis). This method is prohibited in Europe when there is no therapeutic aim. This is the case when selecting embryos for pure convenience (choice of sex of the child). In France, PGD is strictly regulated by the 2011 bioethics law. It is reserved for parents who are at risk of transmitting a serious genetic disease to their child. In practice, we collect the oocytes of the future mother who has undergone hormone treatment. Then we perform an in vitro fertilization. After a few days of culture, a cell of each embryo thus obtained is examined. We then know if the embryo is female or male and especially if it is healthy. Finally, embryos free of the disease are implanted in the woman's uterus. This method is very expensive and the rate of pregnancies obtained remains very low, of the order of 15%.
It is easy to understand that choosing the sex of the baby by this type of practice poses significant ethical problems. In the United States and other parts of the world, this is not a controversial issue. The genetic diagnosis of embryos performed after IVF is allowed, regardless of the intentions of future parents. It has even become a juicy business. In California or Texas, clinics offer couples to choose the sex of their child for about $ 25,000. Dr. Steinberg, a pioneer in the field, heads the Fertility Institute in Los Angeles. His institution attracts Americans from all over the continent, but also Canadians. He even promises today to choose the color of his child's eyes.

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